Extended Profiles
Learn Even More About The Characters That Makeup Our Universe.

Character Profiles

A Top Level Bounty Hunter that has never failed at collecting her bounty. Hired by the Ugly Modj she puts Her Record on the line against her toughest challenge yet Cody Valiant. First Appearance: Cody Valiant Zero Issue

The Daughter of Arman and Solara

This Evil Mastermind has the power to persuade her Victims. To Get them to do whatever she wants them to do. First Appearance: Youth Mob 0.5 Issue.

Mother of the Naturalites and Sorceress. She the most power being on Earth and is the biggest test of Team APEX. First Appearance: Amara Agenda

The Reincarnated form of Amara and the Most Powerful Member of the Youth. who is sweet and a bit shy. First Appearance: Amara Agenda

The Father of Bianca Afet. This Wise Old Sage is one of the most powerful Mystics known will is training his young daughter in the arts so she can take his place one day. First Appearance: Natualites Zero Issue.

The Twin Sister Goldie. Shes a bit of a rogue and an Anti Hero that plays by her own rules. First Appearance: Youth Mob 0.5 Issue.

The Star Breaker. A Top Level Alien War Criminal who has an army of 100,000 soldiers that he lead all across the galaxy. First Appearance: Stella Zero Issue

Leader of the Solarian Tribe Younger brother of Luka Angele and is King of the Solarian Kingdom and Husband of Solara his is a world conqueror that is always look out for his people. First Appearance: Naturalites Zero Issue.

Aura ROO- Lunarain-(Moon Tribe) CY's little sister and daughter of Luka. Psychic Magicial Powers First Appearance: Naturalites Zero Issue.

A Young Alien Prince that's looking to prove that he is worth of one day leading his people. on his day to day he operates a simple bounty Hunter. First Appearance: Cody Zero Issue

Bianca Afet: shy, adventurous by nature, and caring person that is more powerful than she knows but with her friends she will become comfortable in her on skin. First Appearance: Team Apex Zero Issue.

The Right Hand Man of Arman and protector. First Appearance: Naturalites Zero Issue.

The Legendary Space Cowboy the Known throughout the Galaxy. First Appearance: Amara Agenda.

CY- the older sister of Aura-Roo, She is the field general of the Lunarians kingdom. (Moon Tribe) Warrior Laser Eye First Appearance: Naturalites Zero Issue.

Superhero from the planet Thunder Cloud. Elecktro Man is "King of the Galaxy" He is the face of the superhero community. He is well respected by people and other heroes a like. He the Leader of Team APEX. First Appearance: Team Apex Zero Issue.

This angel of a young man was cursed as a child with demon features. He has been shunned all this life until he found a home in the youth mob. Gabriel gets to feel some what normal with people that are similar to him. He has what it takes to be a hero. First Appearance: Youth Mob Zero Issue.

she is a solo wrecking crew. Able to turn her skin into a metal strong enough to break solid objects....get ready for this force of nature. First Appearance: Youth Mob Zero Issue.

The Myth, The Legend, and all around protector of earth. at lease in his own mind. Hank MacLarren is a normal human. that tags alone side the Love of His life Stella on her many adventures on earth and in the stars. First Appearance: Stella Zero Issue

Director One the Head of S.D.L.I. a Government Agency Who Launched the Youth Mob Project to protect the world from alien threats. First Appearance: The Amara Agenda

Hero Fire, and Shape Shiftier powers Kharmela can be come anyone at anytime, through all that, she a very passionate person that can be hot headed at times. she knows when to put her feelings aside to do what is right. First Appearance: Team Apex Zero Issue.

(Hero) Her power is that she's rich. Knight Eagle is a empowering individual that is a Police Chief and Hero, leader of world defense organization, and has the time to be the big sister to everyone she meets. First Appearance: Team Apex Zero Issue.

The First Villain of the Youth Mob. This Toy Master is no one to play with. He is a Dangerous Foe for anyone with his Robot Sidekick Patti Wak by his side you better beware. First Appearance: Youth Mob Zero Issue.

The Young Latino/Asian Hero is the Smart/tech hero of the Future. And leader of the Youth Mob. First Appearance: Youth Mob Zero Issue.

The Powerhouse and the Armored Ball. Lox and Roddie are a powerful one two punch of the Lunarians kingdom that is never scared to to have a good time. First Appearance: Naturalites Zero Issue.

Leader of Lunarian Tribe and the Older Brother of Arman he is a very wise leader that has been through a lot and tries to share this with his people. First Appearance: Naturalites Zero Issue.

Multi....can become an instant army within seconds...he is one the Lunarians greatest secret weapons in the battle against the Solarians. First Appearance: Naturalites Zero Issue.

Orm- The wild tailed little devil with a big brain. he is a loyal member of the Solarian tribe that loves his people and always ready to defend them. First Appearance: Naturalites Zero Issue.

(Hero) A Teleporter Otto Tripp is the younger brother of Waco Tripp is a kid that has powers and constantly hanging out with other like, Otto is pure of heart and wants use his powers for good. First Appearance: Team Apex Zero Issue.

The Older Brother of Stella and Leader of a bunch Galactic Space Enforcers known as Xentinals.Their Soul Purpose is to bring order to the galaxy. First Appearance: Stella Zero Issue

Solarain (Sun Tribe) Hyper Voice Ra is someone that is looking for more out of life. this worker bee turned warrior looks to the best he can be. First Appearance: Naturalites Zero Issue.

The Leader of Arman's Royal Guard and Defender of Sol (the Solarian Sky City) The Position Given to him Behemoth. First Appearance: Naturalites Zero Issue.

Reign-this young lady reigns supreme with Naturalites. First Appearance: Naturalites Zero Issue.

Roddie this giant Mammalian is #lox best friend and he brings the Lunarians tribe a lot of joy. and in times of crisis he can turn into a large armored wrecking ball of destruction. First Appearance: Naturalites Zero Issue.

This silent assassin communicates though her telepathic ability and she is a very skilled weapon-smith and right hand woman to #Cy

The Son of Arman and Solara

The Wife of Arman the Queen bee of the Solarian Kingdom. First Appearance: Naturalites Zero Issue.

She is an Interstellar Warrior Princess that is an heiress to the Galactic Counsel. First Appearance: iNterstella Zero Issue.

Ice Power Villain of Kharmela. Is a Cold-Blooded Hitman thats is never afraid to leave his victims on Ice.

This Powerhouse Brute of a man is a threat that should be taken seriously by everyone except Otto and Waco. First Appearance: Team Apex Zero Issue.

He is a very dangerous threat of Otto and Waco. Mystical Swamp Monster is pure evil.

The Trainer and Head Boss Lady of the Youth Mob Team. Youth Mob Means More to her than you may know. First Appearance: Youth Mob Zero Issue.
Team Affiliations

The Naturalites
Lunarians and Solarians

Team Apex
Elecktro Man, Kharmela, Knight Eagle, Bianca Afet, Waco & Otto Tripp